For backpackers who will visit the beach there are several options in
Indonesia is one country in eastern Java precisely in Kab.Trenggalek
Kec.Watulimo which has a tourist area close to each other as in the white sand
beach karanggongso, before the white kepasir can also stop kegoa lowo , in
kec.watulimo also a tourist attraction in the village mangrove karanggandu,
there is also a damask white sand beaches are beautiful, prior to the
backpacker tourist spot will pass through the beautiful road surrounded by
trees with a rural atmosphere,
see trees cloves, durian and other trees along the road, also can
berisirahat roadside while ordering some fruits such as durian, barking, and
others who served the merchants along the road Watulimo, until after tourist
place backpackers can enjoy the atmosphere of the beach in surrounded by hills
an enchanting and amazing scenery.
Immediately contact our tour package in Yeyen phone: 0355-552270 / or
HP / WA: 085730151612/08525716272
HP / WA: 085730151612/08525716272